TIP31C Transistor: A Guide for Arduino Projects

TIP31C transistor is a popular choice among electronic enthusiasts and hobbyists when it comes to working on Arduino projects. This NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is known for its high-frequency performance and efficiency, making it a perfect fit for power amplification, switching, PWM control, and audio amplification applications. In this guide it is explained what TIP31C transistor is and how you can use it in your Arduino project.


TIP31C is a NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) commonly used in electronic circuits as a power amplifier. The TIP31C transistor is designed to handle large currents and high voltages and is commonly used in power amplifier circuits, audio amplifiers, DC-DC converters and other switching applications. The TIP31C transistor has a maximum collector current rating of 3A and a maximum collector-emitter voltage rating of 60V. It also has a maximum power dissipation of 625mW. The transistor has three leads, the base, collector, and emitter. The base is used to control the current flow between the collector and emitter. When a current is applied to the base, it allows a larger current to flow between the collector and emitter, which is amplified.

The TIP31C transistor is a commonly used in class B audio amplifier and class AB power amplifier circuit, and it is known for its high-frequency performance and efficiency. It is also a popular choice in switching power supplies and other high-current applications due to its low cost and wide availability. 

TIP31C can be used in Arduino projects in several ways:

  • Power Amplification: TIP31C can be used as a power amplifier in Arduino projects where a high current is needed to drive motors, relays, or other high power loads. The base of the TIP31C transistor can be controlled by an Arduino pin, allowing the user to turn the transistor on and off to control the current flow to the load.

  • Switching: TIP31C can be used as a switch in Arduino projects. When the base of the TIP31C transistor is connected to an Arduino pin, it can be used to switch on and off the current flow to a load. This is useful in projects that require the control of high power loads such as motors or lights.

  • PWM Control: TIP31C can be used to control the speed of a DC motor or the brightness of an LED using PWM. The base of the TIP31C transistor is connected to an Arduino pin that is configured for PWM output, which allows the user to control the duty cycle of the PWM signal, and thus the average current flowing through the load.

  • Audio Amplification: TIP31C can be used as a power amplifier in audio projects where a high current is needed to drive a speaker. The base of the TIP31C transistor can be controlled by an Arduino pin, allowing the user to turn the transistor on and off to control the current flow to the speaker.

Below are some ideas on how one can use the TIP31C power transistor with Arduino.

  • TIP31C Transistor with Arduino for Power Amplification
  • Control High Power Loads with TIP31C Transistor and Arduino
  • PWM Control of DC Motors and LEDs with TIP31C and Arduino
  • Audio Amplification with TIP31C Transistor and Arduino
  • Switching Applications for TIP31C Transistor and Arduino
  • Building a Class-AB Audio Amplifier with TIP31C and Arduino
  • Using TIP31C Transistor for High Current Switching with Arduino

Arduino Project Example: PWM Control of DC Motors and LEDs with TIP31C and Arduino

An example of using TIP31C and Arduino is to control DC motor with PWM signal. By connecting the base of the TIP31C transistor to an Arduino pin that is configured for PWM output, the user can control the duty cycle of the PWM signal, and thus the average current flowing through the load. This can be used to control the speed of a DC motor. 

The following circuit diagram shows how to connect Arduino Mega PWM pin 7 to TIP31C transistor and then how to connect a DC fan with the TIP31C transistor using the potentiometer to set the duty cycle of the pwm signal. 

arduino mega TIPC31C controlled dc motor

Arduino code for PWM control is below.

const int potPin = A1;
const int motPin = 7;

void setup(){
  Serial.begin(9600); //set Serial output baud rate
  //For output
  Serial.println("PWM: ");

void loop() {
    int anaValue = analogRead(potPin); // potentiometer read
    int pwmValue = map(anaValue,0,1023,0,255);
    delay(100); //delay 100ms to prevent any duplicates

In conclusion, TIP31C transistor is a versatile and cost-effective component that can be used in a wide range of Arduino projects. Its high-frequency performance and efficiency make it a perfect fit for power amplification, switching, PWM control, and audio amplification applications. With proper precautions and understanding of its specifications, anyone can successfully use TIP31C transistor in their Arduino projects.

If you are interested in using bipolar junction transistor to control motors using Arduino then there are lots of alternative transistors you can use. For example you can use readily available 2N2222A bipolar junction transistor as illustrated in tutorial how to change speed of dc motor arduino. If your Arduino projects needs multiple DC motors and more power then use L293D motor shield which is explained with code in the tutorial arduino motor shield l293d tutorial.

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