RC car Battery Charger- Arduino RoboMaster part 7

 In my last blog post on my first Arduino RC car I said that I needed new lithium ion battery chargers for my Arduino RoboMaster project. Also I said in the blog post Lithium Ion Battery and Charger that I had problem with the self build 13650 lithium ion battery holder. I used the TP4056 or TC4056A module in that battery charger. 

I bought two new single cell 13650 sized battery holder, one four cell battery holder and a 3 cell lithium ion battery charging module. 

With the newly bought parts, first I built a single cell battery holder with the TP4056 - TC4056A Lithium Battery Charger and Protection Module which is shown below. 

TP4056 - TC4056A Lithium Battery Charger and Protection Module

  As can be seen the red led is on which means that the battery is not fully charged and so it is charging. But my first test showed that there is no charging of the battery. Right now I have placed a battery for charging.

Next I plan to use the 3 cell lithium ion BMS charger module as shown below.

BMS lithium li-ion battery charger

The BMS lithium li-ion battery charger circuit diagram is shown below.

BMS lithium li-ion battery charger circuit diagram

I wanted to use it on my Arduino RoboMaster which is using presently three lithium ion battery. So the idea is that when the Arduino RoboMaster is turned off the battery will be charged. 

battery charger

I took out the 3 cell battery holder from the RC car.

battery charger with holder

 So I guess I will have to do some soldering and perhaps use a pref-board or DIY PCB for circuit connection. 

Update: I build the planned charging circuit which is explained and shown in Lithium Ion Recharging Circuit for diy robotic car. 


# Building RoboMaster with Arduino - Part 2

# Quick HC-05 AT startup guide - Arduino RoboMaster Part 3

# Testing RC Bluetooth Car App and Motor Code -Arduino RoboMaster Part 4

# Lithium Ion Battery and Charger - Arduino RoboMaster Part 5

# My First Arduino RC Car - Arduino RoboMaster part 6

# Android Studio for Wireless Robotic controller -Arduino RoboMaster Part 8 

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