Voltage multiplier circuits

Voltage multipliers are circuits designed to increase the input voltage, and they come in various configurations. One of the simplest types is the voltage doubler, which is often used in applications where high voltage is required but current demand is low. In this post, we'll explore how voltage multipliers work and the different types, including voltage doubler, tripler, quadrupler, and more.

What is a Voltage Doubler?

A voltage doubler circuit as illustrated in the circuit diagram below is one of the most basic forms of voltage multipliers. 

voltage doubler circuit diagramAt its core, you can think of it as two half-wave rectifier circuits connected in series. While it may seem simple, it’s officially a full-wave rectifier circuit because both halves of the input waveform are utilized.

What makes the voltage doubler circuit interesting is that it doubles the input voltage by utilizing both positive and negative cycles of the AC input signal. As a result, the ripple frequency of the output is twice the frequency of the AC input signal. For example, if you’re using a 60Hz AC line voltage (common in the United States), the output ripple frequency will be 120Hz. See linear power supply designs.

Voltage Tripler and Quadrupler Circuits

Voltage doublers are just the beginning. By modifying the circuit slightly, you can create voltage triplers and voltage quadruplers, which increase the voltage by three times or four times, respectively.

Below is the circuit diagram of voltage triplers and voltage quadruplers.


 voltage quadrupler circuit diagram

These circuits allow you to ground one side of the transformer, which makes them even more versatile in certain applications. The basic principle is the same: you use multiple stages of rectification to progressively multiply the input voltage.

Cockcroft–Walton Generator: A High-Voltage Powerhouse

For more extreme voltage multiplication, you can take this concept even further and create what is known as a Cockcroft–Walton generator. This setup allows you to generate very high DC voltages by connecting many stages of these multiplier circuits in series. These generators are capable of producing massive voltages, but because the current is extremely low, the total power output is still manageable.

Applications of Voltage Multipliers

Voltage multipliers, especially the Cockcroft–Walton generator, are used in some quite specialized fields. They can be found in:

  • Particle accelerators, where high voltage is required to accelerate particles to high speeds.
  • Image intensifiers, which need high voltage to boost the brightness of images.
  • Air ionizers, which require high DC voltages to produce ions.
  • Laser copiers, where high voltage is needed to transfer toner onto paper.
  • Bug zappers, which use high voltage to zap flying insects.

In all these applications, the need is for high DC voltage with low current, which makes voltage multipliers the perfect solution. Although they can generate impressive voltages, the low current output makes them ideal for uses where you don't need a lot of power, but high voltage is still crucial.


Voltage multipliers, from simple voltage doublers to more complex Cockcroft–Walton generators, are essential circuits in various fields that require high DC voltages but little current. Whether you’re working with particle accelerators or everyday devices like bug zappers, understanding the principles behind these circuits can give you a deeper appreciation of how they power modern technology.

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