Designing an RF Pre-Amplifier Using JFETs

If you're looking to enhance weak RF signals while maintaining low noise levels, a JFET-based RF pre-amplifier is an excellent choice. This blog post will guide you through the process of designing a JFET RF pre-amplifier circuit , complete with a detailed explanation of its components and functionality. Whether you're working on amateur radio projects, improving signal reception for your FM receiver, or exploring RF electronics, this guide will help you build a reliable and high-performance pre-amplifier.

What is a JFET RF Pre-Amplifier?

A JFET RF pre-amplifier is a circuit designed to amplify weak radio frequency (RF) signals before they are processed by subsequent stages in a receiver. The use of a Junction Field-Effect Transistor (JFET) ensures low noise and high input impedance, making it ideal for sensitive RF applications.

The JFET RF pre-amplifier circuit diagram below illustrates the basic configuration of a JFET preselector. This design operates effectively into the low VHF region , making it versatile for various RF applications. 

JFET RF pre-amplifier circuit diagram


Key Components of the JFET RF Pre-Amplifier Circuit

1. Common Source Configuration

The circuit is designed in a common source configuration , where:

  • The input signal is applied to the gate .
  • The output signal is taken from the drain .

This configuration provides good voltage gain and ensures efficient amplification of the RF signal.

2. Source Bias and Drain Load

  • Source bias is supplied by the voltage drop across resistor R2 .
  • The drain load is provided by a combination of resistor R3 and a radio frequency choke (RFC1) .

Choosing the Right RFC

The value of RFC1 depends on the operating frequency:

  • For the AM broadcast band and HF (shortwave) frequencies, use 1mH .
  • For the low VHF region (>30 MHz), use 100 µH .
  • For VLF frequencies (below the AM broadcast band), use 2.5mH and increase all 0.01 pF capacitors to 0.1 pF .

Pro Tip: Ensure that all capacitors are either disk ceramic or newer dielectric capacitors rated for VHF service . Not all capacitors are suitable for high-frequency applications, so choose carefully.

3. Input Circuit Tuning

The input circuit consists of an RF transformer with a tuned secondary (L2/C1 ). The variable capacitor (C1 ) acts as the tuning control. While the standard value for C1 is 365 pF (commonly used in AM transmitter variables), you can use other types of variable capacitors if the inductor is tailored accordingly.

The relationship between the inductance (L ), capacitance (C ), and resonant frequency (f ) is given by:

\[ f= \frac{1}{2 \sqrt{LC}} \]


  • is the frequency in hertz,
  • is the inductance in Henrys,
  • is the capacitance in Farads.

Use the online LC resonant tank calculator for quicker design.

Additionally, allow approximately 10 pF to account for stray capacitances in your circuit. Keep in mind that this value is an estimate and may need adjustment based on factors like your PCB layout, component placement, and proximity to other circuits. Stray capacitance can vary significantly depending on these factors, so bench testing and tweaking are often necessary.

We can also solve Eq. (4.8) for either L2 or C1 as follows:

\[ L_2 = \frac{1}{39.5f^2C_1} \] 

While space does not permit a detailed sample calculation here, we can provide an example result for you to verify. Suppose you want to calculate the inductance required to resonate a total capacitance of 100 pF (90 pF capacitor + 10 pF stray) at 10 MHz (WWV frequency). When all values are converted to hertz and farads, the solution results in 0.00000253 H , or 2.53 µH .

Pro Tip: The calculated numbers are close approximations but may require fine-tuning on the bench. Always test and adjust your circuit to achieve optimal performance.

Avoiding Oscillation in JFET RF Amplifiers

When designing JFET or MOSFET RF amplifiers , special care must be taken to avoid unintended oscillations. This issue often arises in common source configurations where both the input and output circuits are tuned. If not properly managed, the amplifier can inadvertently turn into a high-frequency oscillator—a problem that compromises signal integrity.

To mitigate this risk:

  1. Tune Input and Output Circuits to Different Frequencies: Slightly detuning the input and output L-C tank circuits can help prevent oscillation.
  2. Neutralize the Stage: In some cases, neutralization techniques are necessary to cancel out feedback paths that cause oscillation.
  3. Use an Untuned Output Circuit: A common practice is to leave at least one end of the amplifier—usually the output—untuned. While this approach sacrifices some gain, it significantly reduces the risk of oscillation.

For example, in our JFET RF pre-amplifier design , the output circuit remains untuned to ensure stability. This deliberate choice prevents the JFET from oscillating at the RF frequency, which could otherwise degrade performance.

By incorporating these practical considerations and tips, you’ll be better equipped to design and troubleshoot your JFET RF pre-amplifier . Remember, theoretical calculations provide a solid starting point, but real-world adjustments are often necessary to achieve the best results.

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