What is and how to make IoT IIoT application?

The Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are rapidly growing technologies that are being used in a wide range of applications. IoT and IIoT systems allow devices to communicate with each other and with the internet, enabling new levels of automation, monitoring, and control. In this blog post, we will explain what is IoT and IIoT and explain the steps to create an IoT/IIoT application.

What is IoT and IIoT?

 IoT(Internet of Things) refers to connecting, controlling and collecting data from devices, sensors, actuators, machines called things to and from the world wide web(www) computer network. We can say IoT is network of physical objects. It is extension of present computer connected internet to include other physical devices like sensors, actuators, machines to collect data, control devices for the benefit of human welfare and increased productivity and efficiency of different types of industrial factories.

IIoT is abbreviation for Industrial Internet of Things and it is IoT concept applied to industrial factories. The objective of IIoT is reducing human workforce at factories and increase productivity. This is achieved by real time monitoring, collecting of data and controlling machines. The machinery data, environment data around the product and machines are from sensors are collected in real time and stored in databases which are analyzed to get insights into how best to improve performance of machinery to increase productivity.

Internet of Things

Steps to create an IoT/IIoT application

he steps to create an IoT/IIoT application.

  1. Define the problem: The first step in creating an IoT/IIoT application is to define the problem that you are trying to solve. This could be anything from monitoring the temperature in a room to controlling the speed of a motor.

  2. Identify the devices: Once the problem has been defined, the next step is to identify the devices that will be used in the system. These could include sensors, actuators, microcontrollers, and other components.

  3. Design the system: After the devices have been identified, the next step is to design the system. This includes creating a circuit diagram, writing the code, and selecting the appropriate communication protocols.


  1. Configure the hardware: Once the system has been designed, the next step is to configure the hardware. This includes connecting the devices, configuring the microcontroller, and testing the system.

  2. Develop the software: After the hardware has been configured, the next step is to develop the software. This includes writing the code to control the devices and collect data.

  3. Deploy the system: Once the software has been developed, the next step is to deploy the system. This includes installing the devices, configuring the network, and testing the system.

  4. Monitor and maintain: After the system has been deployed, it is important to monitor and maintain it. This includes monitoring for errors, troubleshooting issues, and making updates as needed.

    5. Develop the software: After the hardware has been configured, the next step is to develop the software. This includes writing the code to control the devices and collect data.

    6. Deploy the system: Once the software has been developed, the next step is to deploy the system. This includes installing the devices, configuring the network, and testing the system.

    7. Monitor and maintain: After the system has been deployed, it is important to monitor and maintain it. This includes monitoring for errors, troubleshooting issues, and making updates as needed.

How Arduino and ESP8266 relates to IoT?

Arduino and ESP8266 are embedded system. Both contains microcontroller with input output ports, communication ports. Most Arduino alone cannot be used for building IoT application because it does not have the necessary hardware and software to connect to the WiFi or Internet. Arduino Yun has Ethernet connectivity hardware and thus can be used for building IoT application and IoT development. To use Arduino Uno, Arduino Mega for IoT projects we have to connect WiFi connectivity hardware module such as the ESP8266. Thus Arduino Uno or Mega together with ESP8266 can be used as IoT system. For tutorials on how to use Arduino with ESP8266 WiFi module to build IoT application see,

- Arduino ESP8266 IoT development platform with Proteus

- Temperature Logger with Proteus IIoT platform 

The ESP8266 IoT module is standalone embedded system so that it is not necessary to use Arduino with it. It has its memory where we can store data and create web server. It also has its own analog input and digital input output with PWM.

ESP12E WiFi module

What is required to make IoT and IIoT application?

To make IoT application we also need two other things- the software to build and prototype the IoT system hardware and software and (2) hosting server to host the IoT application. For building the prototype of IoT hardware and IoT application electronics design software such as Proteus that has schematic editor, software writing editor, IoT front web interface and PCB designer can be used. One can use other firmware development software such as Arduino IDE, but we cannot test the written application with it. Once the embedded system hardware and IoT application are developed we then need some kind of IoT connectivity platform. One can use either self made web server or use online IoT cloud servers. Developing IoT connectivity servers requires buying custom domain name, PC computer, installing web server and installing the IoT application on it. The advantage of self made IoT connectivity server is that we don't need to pay charges to cloud server providers. The disadvantage may be downtime and backup. There are free IoT cloud server as well.

Another way to make web IoT application is to use NodeRed web application platform. Here we use flow programming with pre-build nodes to create flow(the application). We create a web interface to collect, present sensor data on charts, gauges etc. We can acquire data from Arduino, ESP8266 and other MCU board and process them in nodered. Some tutorials on how to make IoT and IIoT application with NodeRed are below.

- Node-Red ESP8266 MQTT Subscribe Example

- Node-Red ESP8266 MQTT Publish Example

- IR Proximity Sensor IoT Application

Once we have the hardware and software we can deploy the IoT application on the web. For IoT connectivity we can either create server at home or factory or deploy on the cloud IoT platforms. The following tutorial teaches how one can create a web server at home for IoT connectivity and how one can get free custom domain and deploy the IoT application on the web.

- How to host website from home

- Deploy Arduino Red Node App on Web with Cloudflare Tunnel

- IoT with Packetriot Local Tunnel

- Read and Store Sensor Data into Database with Node Red

In summary, creating an IoT/IIoT application involves defining the problem, identifying the devices, designing the system, configuring the hardware, developing the software, deploying the system and monitoring and maintaining it. With the rapid advances in IoT and IIoT technology, it has become easier than ever to create intelligent systems that can automate and optimize industrial processes, improve safety and security, and increase efficiency and productivity.

Here it was explained a bit of what is IoT and IIoT and how we can actually make IoT and IIoT application. We explained some of the hardware and software that are required to make IoT and IIoT application and what kinds of software we can use for custom IoT development platform. We provided tutorial links that teaches how to use electronics design software to create IoT application and how to use it as IoT development platform.

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