LED Blink with Arduino Prototype Shield

I got this new Arduino UNO Proto Shield with SYB 170 Breadboard and wondered how I could use it for the first time. I bought this because I thought it would be useful to build some permanent boards such as arduino pid temperature controller, am modulator circuit, arduino am transmitter etc that I had build earlier. 

Arduino Protyping Shield LED blink
 The prototyping shield for Arduino Uno shown below basically comes with headers that fits into the Arduino Uno headers. 

arduino prototyping shield

There are PCB holes for future IC placement and other through hole components. There are also two leds with two resistors on its sides but these are not soldered to any pins. These are also for future purpose. For example, I may need to use one of the LED and resistor for alarm indicator so then I need to solder these LEDs and resistors the the microcontroller Pins. There are also two tactile switches which are also not soldered to any pins.


prototyping arduino shield pcb

There are PCB holes on the prototyping shield which you can use to fix chips or passive components permanently on the shield to use with Arduino. For example you can build a permanent arduino frequency counter with this protopying shield so that you can have to assemble the circuit again and again. The Arduino frequency counter required LM311 IC, couple of resistors, capacitors, 16 x2 LCD which can be soldered permanently onto the pcb holes of the prototyping shield.

 So for permanent build planning has to done first how to effectively use it. Here it just wanted to place the prototyping shield onto the Arduino and perform a simple LED blink check. 

The following shows the prototyping shield with Arduino Uno and LED connected to Pin 9 on the shield which is basically connected to Arduino Uno pin 9.

arduino prototyping shield LED blink

The arduino code for led blinking is below.

const int ledPin = 9;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

The code just turns on and off the LED connected to pin 9 on the Arduino prototyping shield.  

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